Heads up. We do not ship to California or Oregon. Please come visit us in Tennessee, we would love for you to hang with us at the Dab Bar!
How To Verify Your ID:
Click the “Verify Your ID”
If you do not see a pop up window, please disable any pop up blockers or extensions you have on your browser for this website.
The pop up window will ask for your name and email address.Â

Then you can upload, scan or use your webcam to add your ID to the page.

Once you have completed this and clicked the button “Completed”. You will be brought back to the Checkout or Cart area where you began your process and you will see a “Place Order” button instead. This means your ID has been accepted and you can go ahead and place your order. Please place the order to complete your transaction. You will receive an order email once the payment transaction has been completed.