Stress and anxiety are practically synonymous with modern American culture. Nearly 40 million people in the United States experience anxiety every day. These conditions can be debilitating and affect work, relationships and quality of life.

“I’m not going to make it home for dinner tonight, this deadline has me stressed out.”

“I’m going to have to skip the concert; my anxiety is through the roof.”

It’s hard to go a day without hearing — or for some of us, experiencing — these buzz words. Thankfully, there’s a welcomed newcomer to the American vocabulary: CBD.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring compound found in the leaves and flower of the hemp plant. While many medical marijuana products are made from plants with high concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is a non-psychoactive, non-addictive substance extracted from hemp that will not give you the ‘high’ associated with marijuana.

CBD’s anti-anxiety properties can be attributed to its ability to influence blood flow in the brain. In a 2010 study, brain scans of patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD) showed changes in blood flow to regions of the brain linked to anxiety after consuming CBD. This study showed participants not only felt better after using CBD, but it also provided evidence to suggest CBD actually changes the way their brains reacted to anxiety.

Unlike the chemically-formulated pharmaceuticals commonly prescribed to mask anxiety and stress, CBD is all-natural, plant-based and does not come with the laundry list of side effects you’ll find listed on a bottle of prescription drugs. In fact, research on CBD has found few or no negative side effects.

Curious about where to get started on your journey to anxiety and stress relief? We have a wide range of products specifically designed to ease stress and anxiety, from oil tinctures to soothing topical creams and even bath bombs. Come by the shop for a free consultation to discuss your symptoms and goals. We’ll recommend products to meet your individual needs. 

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